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-- cpx.sa: Complex numbers.

immutable class CPX{T} < $NIL, $IS_EQ, $STR

immutable class CPX{T} < $NIL, $IS_EQ, $STR is -- Complex numbers. -- -- Some of the algorithms are taken from: -- Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, and Vettering, "Numerical Recipes in -- C", second edition, Cambridge University Press, 1993. -- -- Some of the choices of branch cut were chosen to be consistent -- with: -- Guy L. Steele, "Common Lisp, The Language", second edition, -- 1990, Digital Press. include COMPARABLE; attr re,im:T; -- Real and imaginary parts. create(x:T):SAME is return #(x,#T(0.0)) end; create(re,im:T):SAME is -- A complex number with real part `re' and imaginary part `im'. r:SAME; return r.re(re).im(im) end; create(c:CPX):SAME is r:SAME; return r.re(#T(c.re)).im(#T(c.im)) end; create(c:CPXD):SAME is r:SAME; return r.re(#T(c.re)).im(#T(c.im)) end; -- The following two functions do not make sense in this class, though -- they could be defined in the concrete instantiations. -- If we had them here, we'd also have to have create(c:CPX{FLT}) which -- seems to defeat the whole purpose of instantiating the various versions -- of cpx -- cpx:CPX is return #CPX(self) end; -- cpxd:CPXD is return #CPXD(self) end; is_eq(c: SAME): BOOL is return re=c.re and im=c.im end;-- CPX::re FLT::is_eq CPX::re CPX::im FLT::is_eq CPX::im is_neq(c: SAME): BOOL is return re/=c.re or im/=c.im end; is_nil:BOOL is return re.is_nil or im.is_nil end; nil:SAME is return #(re.nil,im.nil); end; str:STR is -- A string representation of self of the form "1.02+3.23i". buf:FSTR; if im>=#T(0.0) then -- CPX::im FLT::is_lt FLT::create BOOL::not buf:=buf + re.str + ("+") + im.str + "i";-- CPX::re FLT::str FSTR::plus CPX::im FLT::str FSTR::plus else buf:=buf + re.str + ("-") + (-im).str + "i" end;-- CPX::re FLT::str FSTR::plus FSTR::plus CPX::im FLT::negate FLT::str FSTR::plus return buf.str end;-- FSTR::str plus(c:SAME):SAME is -- The sum of self and `c'. return #(re+c.re,im+c.im) end; minus(c:SAME):SAME is -- The difference of self and `c'. return #(re-c.re,im-c.im) end; negate:SAME is -- The additive inverse of self. return #(-re,-im) end; conjugate:SAME is -- The complex conjugate of self. return #(re,-im) end; times(c:SAME):SAME is -- The product of self and `c'. return #(re*c.re-im*c.im, re*c.im+im*c.re) end; div(c:SAME):SAME is -- The ratio of self and `c'. -- From Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd ed. p. 949. if c.re.abs>=c.im.abs then r::=c.im/c.re; den::=c.re+r*c.im; return #((re+r*im)/den,(im-r*re)/den) else r::=c.re/c.im; den::=c.im+r*c.re; return #((re*r+im)/den,(im*r-re)/den) end end; reciprocal:SAME is -- The multiplicative inverse of self. if re.abs>=im.abs then r::=im/re; den::=re+r*im; return #(#T(1.0)/den,-r/den) else r::=re/im; den::=im+r*re; return #(r/den,#T(-1.0)/den) end end; exp:SAME is -- The complex exponential `e^self'. rp::=re.exp; return #(rp*im.cos,rp*im.sin) end; times(f:T):SAME is -- Self times the floating point c. return #(re*f,im*f) end; div(f:T):SAME is -- Self div the floating point f. return #(re/f,im/f) end; pow(c:SAME):SAME is -- self^c = exp(c*log(self)) return (self.log*c).exp end; sqrt:SAME is -- The square root of self. -- From Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd ed. p. 949. -- Steele, p. 302 chooses the branch cut by `e^((log z)/2)' if re=#T(0.0) and im=#T(0.0) then return #(#T(0.0),#T(0.0)) end; x::=re.abs; y::=im.abs; w:T; if x>=y then r::=y/x; w:=x.sqrt*(#T(0.5)*(#T(1.0)+(#T(1.0)+r*r).sqrt)).sqrt; else r::=x/y; w:=y.sqrt*(#T(0.5)*(r+(#T(1.0)+r*r).sqrt)).sqrt end; if re>=#T(0.0) then return #(w,im/(#T(2.0)*w)); elsif im>=#T(0.0) then return #(im/(#T(2.0)*w),w) else return #(-im/(#T(2.0)*w),-w) end end; cube_root:SAME is -- The cube root of self. -- preliminary, but working. return self.pow(#(#T(1.0)/#T(3.0))) end; square:SAME is -- Self squared return self*self end; cube:SAME is -- Self cubed return self*self*self end; abs:T is -- The absolute magnitude of self. -- From Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd ed. p. 949. x::=re.abs; y::=im.abs; temp:T; if x=#T(0.0) then return y elsif y=#T(0.0) then return x elsif x>y then temp:=y/x; return x*(#T(1.0)+temp*temp).sqrt; else temp:=x/y; return y*(#T(1.0)+temp*temp).sqrt end end; abs_squared:T is -- The square of the absolute magnitude of self. return re*re+im*im end; magnitude:T is -- The absolute magnitude of self. return abs end; magnitude_squared:T is -- The square of the absolute magnitude of self. return abs_squared end; phase:T is -- The angle part of the polar represenation of self. -- `-pi < res <= pi'. Also get "-pi" from a negative real -- part and a "-0.0" imaginary part. -- They say 0+0i should be +0, 0-0i should be -0, -0+0i -- should be +pi, and -0-0i should be -pi. -- Same convention as Steele, p. 303. return im.atan2(re) end; log:SAME is -- The complex logarithm. The chosen branch is -- `log |z| + i phase(z)'. -- Same convention as Steele, p. 302. return #((re*re+im*im).sqrt.log,phase) end; sign:SAME is -- If not zero, a number with same phase as self but unit -- magnitude. If it is, then returns self. -- Steele, p. 304 --*** raise "CPX::sign:SAME not defined." end; is_within(r:T,c:SAME):BOOL is -- self is within a circle around c with radius r return (self-c).abs_squared <= r end; create_from_polar(mag,phase:T):SAME is -- A complex number with magnitude `mag' and phase `phase'. r:SAME; return r.re(mag * phase.cos).im(mag * phase.sin) end; cis(f:T):SAME is -- Ignores self, e^i*f=cos f + i sin f . -- Steele p. 304. r:SAME; return r.re(f.cos).im(f.sin) end; -- preliminary, but working sin:SAME is return (self.exp-(-self).exp)/#T(2.0) end; cos:SAME is return (self.exp+(-self).exp)/#T(2.0) end; tan:SAME is return self.sin/self.cos end; asin:SAME is -- -i log(iz + sqrt(1-z^2)) -- Steele p. 305. --*** raise "CPX::asin:SAME missing." end; acos:SAME is -- -i log(z + sqrt(1-z^2)) -- better to use: (pi/2)-asin(z) -- Steele p. 305. --*** raise "CPX::acos:SAME missing." end; atan:SAME is -- (log(1+i*y)-log(1-i*y))/(2*i) -- Steele p. 307. --*** raise "CPX::atan:SAME missing." end; sinh:SAME is -- (e^z-e^(-z))/2 -- Steele p. 308 --*** raise "CPX::sinh:SAME missing." end; cosh:SAME is -- (e^z+e^(-z))/2 -- Steele p. 308 --*** raise "CPX::cosh:SAME missing." end; tanh:SAME is -- (e^z-e^(-z))/(e^z+e^(-z)) -- Steele p. 308 --*** raise "CPX::tanh:SAME missing." end; asinh:SAME is -- log(z+sqrt(1+z^2)) -- Steele p. 308 --*** raise "CPX::asinh:SAME missing." end; acosh:SAME is -- log(z+(z+1)sqrt((z-1)/(z+1))) -- Steele p. 308 --*** raise "CPX::acosh:SAME missing." end; atanh:SAME is -- log((1+z)sqrt(1/(1-z^2))) -- Steele p. 308 --*** raise "CPX::atanh:SAME missing." end; end; -- class CPX{T}

immutable class CPX < $IS_EQ, $STR, $FMT

immutable class CPX < $IS_EQ, $STR, $FMT is include CPX{FLT}; fmt( f: STR ): STR is return BASE_FORMAT::fmt_cpx( self, f ) end; end; -- class CPX