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class BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH < $BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH is -- This phase builds the type graph of the types found above. -- It causes errors if there are loops. include CS_COMPONENT; create(p:PROG):SAME is r::=new; r.prog:=p; return r end;-- BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::prog build_graphs is -- Build the type graphs for all types in the program. prog.tp_graph.make_family_members;-- BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::prog PROG::tp_graph TP_GRAPH::make_family_members loop tp:$TP:=prog.tp_done.elt!;-- BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::prog PROG::tp_done FSET{1}::elt! typecase tp when TP_CLASS then ig1::=prog.tp_graph.get_anc(tp);-- BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::prog PROG::tp_graph TP_GRAPH::get_anc ig2::=prog.tp_graph.get_des(tp)-- BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::prog PROG::tp_graph TP_GRAPH::get_des else end end; prog.tp_graph_abs_des.do_tbl;-- BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::prog PROG::tp_graph_abs_des TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::do_tbl if prog.show_graphs then-- BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::prog PROG::show_graphs anc_out; des_out; abs_des_out end end;-- BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::anc_out BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::des_out BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::abs_des_out private anc_out is -- The ancestors of all types in `tp_done' with some. loop tp:$TP:=prog.tp_done.elt!;-- BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::prog PROG::tp_done FSET{1}::elt! at:FSET{TP_CLASS}:=void; typecase tp when TP_CLASS then at:=prog.tp_graph.get_anc(tp) -- BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::prog PROG::tp_graph TP_GRAPH::get_anc else end; if ~void(at) then-- BOOL::not #OUT + "Ancestors of " + tp.str + "=";-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus OUT::plus loop #OUT + " ".separate!(at.elt!.str) end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus STR::separate! FSET{1}::elt! TP_CLASS::str #OUT + "\n" end end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus #OUT + "\n" end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus private des_out is -- The descendants of all types in `tp_done' with some. loop tp:$TP:=prog.tp_done.elt!;-- BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::prog PROG::tp_done FSET{1}::elt! at:FSET{$TP}:=void; typecase tp when TP_CLASS then at:=prog.tp_graph.get_des(tp) -- BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::prog PROG::tp_graph TP_GRAPH::get_des else end; if ~void(at) then-- BOOL::not #OUT + "Descendants of " + tp.str + "=";-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus OUT::plus loop #OUT + " ".separate!(at.elt!.str) end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus STR::separate! FSET{1}::elt! #OUT + "\n" end end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus #OUT + "\n" end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus private abs_des_out is -- The concrete descendants of abstract types. loop p::=prog.tp_graph_abs_des.tbl.pairs!;-- BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH::prog PROG::tp_graph_abs_des TP_GRAPH_ABS_DES::tbl FMAP{2}::pairs! #OUT + "The abstract type " + p.t1.str +-- OUT::create OUT::plus OUT::plus TUP{2}::t1 TP_CLASS::str " has concrete descendants ";-- OUT::plus loop #OUT + " ".separate!(p.t2.elt!.str) end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus STR::separate! TUP{2}::t2 FSET{1}::elt! #OUT + "\n" end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus #OUT + "\n" end;-- OUT::create OUT::plus end; -- class BUILD_TYPE_GRAPH