The file "BK-term.txt" contains naming data for all 20 languages appearing in Appendix 1 of _Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution_, Brent Berlin and Paul Kay (Berkeley: UC Press, 1969 [1991]; ISBN: 0-520-07635-4). The lines in this file use the same formatting conventions used in the WCS data "term.txt". lnum \t snum \t cnum \t term \n Please see the documentation for that file for further explanation. In "BK-term.txt" each of the 20 languages is assigned a unique number (lnum) from 1..20 according to the order of appearance in BCT Appendix 1. 1 Arabic 2 Bahasa Indonesia 3 Bulgarian 4 Cantonese 5 Catalan 6 English (American) 7 Hebrew 8 Hungarian 9 Ibibo 10 Japanese 11 Korean 12 Mandarin 13 Mexican Spanish 14 Pomo 15 Swahili 16 Tagalog 17 Thai 18 Tzeltal 19 Urdu 20 Vietnamese The speaker number (snum) is held constant at 1 for all languages. Last updated: 20041109