
Found 4258 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Marczak, B., Guarnieri C., Marquis-Boire M., & Scott-Railton J. (2014).  Hacking Team and the Targeting of Ethiopian Journalists. The Citizen Lab.
Himanen, P. (2002).  The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age.
Feldman, J. (1969).  Grammatical Inference and Grammatical Complexity.
Fillmore, C. J. (1970).  The Grammar of Hitting and Breaking. 120-133.
Karp, B., & Kung H.. T. (2001).  GPSR: Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless networks.
Spight, B. (2002).  Go Thermography: The 4/12/98 Jiang-Rui Environmental Endgame.
Karp, R. M., F. Leighton T., Rivest R. L., Thomborson C. David, Vazirani U. V., & Vazirani V. V. (1987).  Global wire routing in two-dimensional arrays. 2(1), 113-129.
Ratnasamy, S., Karp B., Yin L., Yu F., Estrin D., Govindan R., et al. (2002).  GHT: A Geographic Hash-table for Data-centric Storage in Sensornets.
Baker, C. F., Schneider N.., Petruck M. R. L., & Ellsworth M. (2015).  Getting the Roles Right: FrameNet in NLP.
Sankararaman, S., Obozinski G., Jordan M. I., & Halperin E. (2010).  Genomic Privacy and Limits of Individual Detection in a Pool.
Srivas, R., Hannum G., Guénolé A., van Attikum H., Krogan N. J., Karp R. M., et al. (2010).  Genome-Wide Association Data Reveal a Global Map of Genetic Interactions among Protein Complexes.
Feldman, J. (1987).  A Functional Model of Vision and Space. 531-562.
Chang, N. (2009).  From Motion Frames to Grammar: A Usage-Based Model of a Construction Learning.
Fernández-Iglesias, M. J., González-Castaño F. J., Pousada-Carballo J. M., Llamas-Nistal M., & Romero A.. (2001).  From Complex Specifications to a Working Prototype: A Protocol Engineering Case Study. 2021, 436-448.
Pieraccini, R. (2012).  From AUDREY to Siri: Is Speech Recognition A Solved Problem?.
Hasegawa, Y., Lee-Goldman R., & Fillmore C. J. (2009).  Framing Causal Events in Japanese and English.
Fillmore, C. J. (2009).  Frames and Constructions: Putting Them Together.
Fillmore, C. J., & Baker C. F. (2005).  FrameNet's Contribution to Text Understanding.
Johnson, C. R., Fillmore C. J., Wood E. J., Ruppenhofer J., Petruck M. R. L., & Baker C. F. (2001).  The FrameNet Project: Tools for Lexicon Building. Unpublished book draft. 1-230.
Fillmore, C. J., & Baker C. F. (2000).  FrameNet: Frame semantics meets the corpus.
Subirats-Rüggeberg, C. (2005).  FrameNet español. Una red semántica de marcos conceptuales.
Baker, C. F., & Sato H. (2003).  The FrameNet Data and Software.
Fillmore, C. J. (1976).  Frame Semantics and the Nature of Language. 280, 20-32.
Fillmore, C. J. (1982).  Frame semantics. 111-137.
Petruck, M. R. L. (1996).  Frame Semantics.
