NEURAL COMPUTING SURVEYS REVIEW FORM ____________________________________ mirror site E-mail to editor from whom received FORMS A SURVEY PAPER MAY TAKE ----------------------------- For NCS, a survey paper takes one of two forms: ESSAY: Usual kind of paper. COLLECTION: Collection of items on a particular topic with consistent format and content. An essay form needs no further explanation. A collection is intended to serve as a historical record and be useful for quick reference to all what is known. A collection is expected to provide exhaustive coverage while foresaking discussion. Examples and instances of collections include an annotated bibliography on a topic, an unannotated bibliography on a topic, listing of all known learning rules for feedforward nets, listing of all known learning rules for associative memories, etc. An unannotated bibliography published in this journal will collect references for a SUBAREA of neural computing from a WIDE VARIETY of published sources. Bibliographies constructed from table of contents of journals or conferences alone will thus not be considered. ------------- For ESSAY and COLLECTION Paper Title: Paper Authors: Reviewer's Name: Reviewer's E-mail Address: ------------- For ESSAY only Rate between 1 and 5 (1 - very poor, 5 - excellent), How well is the surveyed material organized: How clearly is the surveyed material presented: How comprehensive is the survey: How selective is the survey: Does the paper reflect a deep understanding of the surveyed material: Overall score: ------------- For COLLECTION only Rate between 1 and 5 (1 - very poor, 5 - excellent), How useful is the collection: How well is the collection organized for quick reference: How comprehensive is the collection: How good is the format and content of each item in the collection: Overall score: ------------- For ESSAY and COLLECTION Comments to Authors: ------------- Confidential comments (if any) to editor: